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Outlook 2000 Adding Account

  1. Right click on the Outlook icon on your desktop and choose Properties from the menu.

  2. In the Server Properties screen, click the Add button.

  3. Choose Internet E-Mail from the list of menu options and click OK.

  4. Fill in the account properties:

    --In the Mail Account window, type "TCSN E-Mail."
    --Enter your name in the Name field.
    --Enter your E-Mail Address in the E-Mail Address field.
    --Click on the Servers tab at the top of the screen.

  5. Fill in the fields on the Servers tab.

    --For the "Incoming Mail [POP3] use
    --For the "Outgoing Mail [SMTP] use
    --Enter your E-Mail username (everything before the @ symbol) in the Account Name field.
    --Enter your password in the Password field.
    --Do NOT check "Log on using Secure Password Authentication" or "My Server Requires Authentication."
    --Click on the Connection tab at the top of the screen.

  6. Choose "Connect using my local area network (LAN) for DSL"
  7. Choose "Connect using my phone linec for Dial-Up"

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